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Our projects
The money raised at events held by Moor Pool Heritage Trust are all in aid of ongoing projects to improve the community facilities.
Moor Pool Hall, Main Hall Toilet Refurbishment
Moor Pool Heritage Trust are currently fundraising to improve the Main Hall lobby and toilets incorporating better wheelchair access and improved facilities, to the benefit of those that use the hall (including heating, baby changing and general upgrade of the facilities.)
Aim: Refurbishment of the Main Hall washrooms and lobby area, and the construction of a permanent disabled ramp at the side of the hall. This will improve access to the outdated toilets, and also improve disabled access, and baby changing. The cost of the project is over £100,000 to be sought from grant applications, local donations and fundraising events. Full planning and listed building consent has been approved.
Who has supported and funded this project so far: Moor Pool Fundraising Events, WA Cadbury Charitable Trust
The Moor Pool - a new beginning
The Pool is a key feature of Moor Pool Conservation Area. It is presently restricted without any public access and limited views of the pool from Ravenhurst Road only.
Aim: This project seeks to maintain the pool with a reliable water supply and open it for managed public access whilst retaining and enhancing the recreational fishing use. With carefully researched and planned ecological works involving bank and tree management and native replanting it is hoped to enhance the pool’s rich natural environment.
Who has supported and funded this project so far: Moor Pool Fundraising Events
Carless Ecology Centre
The outdoor space behind the Square and the Builder’s Yard has been developed through grants, fundraising and many hours of volunteer work the original builder’s yard and transformed into the Carless Eco-Centre with a log cabin, greenhouse, raised beds and wheelchair access. It is used by our education programme linked to local schools, hosts a community allotment and runs numerous school and holiday activities.
Who supported/ funded this project: Enovert.
Carless Eco Centre disabled toilet project:
The current toilet facilities are at the Moor Pool Hall but we would like to provide the convenience of on-site facilities. Access from the Eco-Centre would be by creating a doorway in the adjoining wall linked by ramp to the existing walkways. Water and drainage is already in place in the adjoining building. Internal changes would create a wider doorway for wheelchair access with toilet, sink and support rails installed.
Moor Pool Hall: Main Hall Kitchen Upgrade 2017
The Main Hall kitchen was is in desperate need of an upgrade and modernisation to bring it up to current environmental health standards and to cater for the current and increasing needs of the hall. The kitchen refurbishment project was the first major fundraising project carried out at Moor Pool Hall.
Aim: Upgrade Main Hall kitchen bringing it up to modernisation and current environmental health standards to cater for increasing needs of the hall.
Outcome: The kitchen refurbishment project was the first major fundraising project carried out at Moor Pool Hall. The Main Hall now has a modern and up-to-date kitchen with increased storage space, worktops and improved appliances, which will hugely benefit those using it, and will widen the range of activities the Main Hall can host.
Who supported/ funded: It was made possible by generous donations, and the amount raised through fundraising events, so thank you to everyone who has attended these events and those who have generously donated. We were also delighted to have received a grant from Harborne Parish Lands and generous donation from the Moor Pool Players and Moor Pool Residents Association. The kitchen refurbishment was completed on schedule in the Summer of 2017.
Moor Pool Hall: Lower Hall Kitchen Upgrade 2019
The Lower Hall kitchenette counters and cupboards were damaged during 2018 flooding and kitchen was in need of an upgrade to benefit hall users and club members.
Aim: Upgrade the kitchen facilities in the Lower Hall to benefit users of the Lower Hall.
Outcome: Following the flooding of 2018 that left the Lower Hall and kitchen out of use for a year, a new kitchen was installed in the Lower Hall including better equipment, more cupboard space, larger sinks and new white goods, and better access. The kitchen was formally opened on 27th July 2019 at the monthly Lower Hall coffee morning.
Who supported/funded this project: Moor Pool Fundraising Events and Moor Pool Residents Association.
Moor Pool Hall: Lower Hall Woodblock Floor Refurbishment 2019
The Lower Hall flooded during storms in May 2018 damaging the render and original woodblock flooring. The Lower Hall was out of use for nearly a year.
Aim: Reinstate existing woodblock floor damaged by flooding on May 2018. Repair render also affected by flooding.
Outcome: Following flooding from May 2018 the original woodblock floor was re-instated with a new damp-proof membrane. The original floor that is over 100 years old was reinstated along with new lime render and re-decoration.
Who supported/ funded: covered by insurance
Nettlefold Garden
At the end of 2016 the government awarded match funding to pocket parks across the country, and a last minute application for Moor Pool was successful.
Aim: Develop a small area at the corner or Margaret Grove and Moor Pool Avenue into a pocket park, to provide a green space that could be used by the local and wider community. This space was where the first sod was cut by Margaret Nettlefold in 1907 and was also used for May Day festivities in 1909.
Outcome: The Community Garden Committee are a dedicated team of local volunteers and residents who have worked hard to develop and create a community garden which is now open daily until dusk and open to all.
Who supported/funded: At the end of 2016 the government awarded match funding to pocket parks across the country, and a last minute application for Moor Pool was successful.
Interpretation Panels and Self-Guided Trail Leaflet 2017-19
Aim: Install 5 new interpretation panels across the Moor Pool Estate providing information on the history so that visitors and residents can explore and find out about Moor Pool’s importance and history.
Outcome: In 2017 5 interpretation panels were installed across the Estate enabling visitors and residents to explore and learn more about the Moor Pool Estate at their leisure. A few years later were accompanied by a Self-guided trail leaflet available in printed format and can be downloaded online.
Who supported/ funded: Heritage Lottery Fund
We need your support
As a charity Moor Pool Heritage Trust relies on your generosity to help conserve its historic community assets and green spaces. There are many ways to donate and support us, please see our support pages to see how you can help.