What's on
Clubs & Societies
There are a number of clubs on the Moor Pool Estate that serve local residents and are also available to the wider community. Please contact individual clubs for further information.

The Circle Tennis Club
Located at the Circle behind the Moor Pool Hall the Circle Tennis Club was started in the 1920’s and continues to thrive as a friendly, local tennis club that welcomes all abilities: young and old, families, beginners and seasoned competitors. There are opportunities for league and internal competition as well as social play.

Harborne Tenants Snooker Club
Located above the Estate office at the Circle, the Snooker Club is a friendly and relaxed club open to new members.
Contact : htsc1947@gmail.com

Moor Pool Air Rifle & Pistol Club
Located in the Lower Hall beneath the Moor Pool Hall, experienced Range Officers are members and coaching is available. All weapons must be brought to meetings in a suitable cover. Adults and accompanied juniors (under 17 years old) are welcome. No weapons are kept on site.
Contact Ray: 0121 427 6435

Moor Pool Skittle Club
Based in the Lower Hall at the Circle the Moor Pool Skittle Club has two unique alleys – one flat and one rounded, side by side. Joining the Skittle Club is a great way to enjoy gentle exercise, jovial banter and try out an unusual pastime! All welcome Mondays 19.30-21.30. Available for ages 16 and up. Come along and have a go!
Contact: Jan_thompson@hotmail.co.uk

Moor Pool Bowls Club – Crown Green Bowling
Moorpool Bowls Club is a small friendly club providing good fun and good exercise in a beautiful location. The season runs from April to early-October. Members range from complete beginners and those who prefer to play socially to those who play in local Leagues. Coaching and bowls can be provided. The club runs a programme of social events throughout the year, and regular Whist afternoons during the winter. Social membership is available for those who do not wish to play bowls.
For more information, visit the club’s website.

Moor Pool Fishing Club
The Club is located at the Moor Pool and welcomes new members.
Contact: Marc Bailey, mrmbailey1986@gmail.com, 07791189657

Moor Pool Tennis Club
Moorpool Tennis Club Established in 1910, and is a vibrant and picturesque tennis club with two shale courts on Moor Pool Avenue near the junction with Margaret Grove. As well as competitive tennis and expert coaching, they offer social activities throughout the year including meals out and a highly successful Quiz Team.
For further membership categories contact:
Sue Lilleman, Secretary, on 07850374061, at slilleman@aol.com or John Lewis, Chair, on 07715173236, at giffordlewis@btinternet.com

The Circle Cinema
Circle Cinema is a Moor Pool’s Community cinema at Moor Pool Hall offering quality and influential films to the local and wider community of Harborne.
To reserve tickets for our next screening:
Membership information and applications:
All other enquiries:

Moor Pool Residents Association
Created for the community of Moor Pool to serve local residents. MRA provide information for residents on their website and also the bi-monthly Moor Pool Duck. They organise events and coffee mornings which are held on the last Saturday of the month in the Lower Hall.
Both the MPHT and the MRA work together to preserve the Estate’s unique character.

Moor Pool Allotment Association
The allotments are a very important part of the history of Moor Pool as a garden suburb. The Moor Pool Allotment Association is a committee of volunteers that have joined together to try and preserve and improve the allotments and welcome any residents with allotments to take part. The Association is there to represent the interests of its members and ensure the allotments are well used and looked after.

The Circle Cycling Club
A friendly bunch of enthusiasts meet most Sunday mornings for a 10-18 mile, FREE leisure-ride in and around Birmingham. Lead by qualified leaders and under the auspices of Cycling UK. Individual tuition offered to beginners and loan bikes available to borrow. To register your interest contact Peter Stroud (cycle tutor) on 0121-684 5948, 07763 407810 or e-mail peter.stroud@blueyonder.co.uk.

Moor Pool Wildlife Group
Moor Pool Wildlife started in April 2013 in response to the major building works, and is making real progress in restoring and sustaining habitats for local animals, such as frogs and toads, caterpillars and butterflies, small mammals, birds and bees – and the plants and trees that support them. They worked on the creation of a communal wildlife garden raising money for seeds, tools, educational input and materials for nesting boxes. If you’d like to know more about Moor Pool ecology, wildlife gardening, what we do, or how to join in, please contact Mike Foster or Cathy Perry

Moor Pool Reading Group
A friendly local group, meeting every two months to discuss a chosen book whilst enjoying a glass of wine. For more information, email Gillian.

Harborne Village WI
They meet on the second Tuesday of every month (excluding August). Visitors are welcome for a £5.00 visitor fee, payable on the door by cash, cheque or bank transfer. Pre-booking is not required, however if you would like to find out more about the Harborne Village WI group please email harbornevillagewi@gmail.com