
Work experience and placements

We welcome applications for unpaid work experience and academic placements from people interested in working in the creative industries, particularly Heritage. We consider all requests on a case-by-case basis and will always try to accommodate students as our programme permits. 

Please contact our Education, Engagement and Outdoors Officer for more information: 

Work experience

Work experience is ideal for anyone who is interested in gaining experience of working life within a heritage site, and is a great way to compliment your studies. 

Our work experience programme is open to anyone fifteen years or over who is not currently in employment. Each placement is 3-5 days long and is a great chance to develop your skills and knowledge and get a general awareness of the working world. Your work experience will be supervised by the Education, Engagement and Outdoors Officer. 


We also offer opportunities for those undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

Contact details

Please contact the Education, Engagement and Outdoors Officer at to find out more about education sessions.


Completing a placement as part of your degree will help you to increase your skills, expand your networks and clarify your career goals. At Moor Pool we provide activities that will help student’s professional and personal development.

While on placement students will contribute to the outputs of the Trust by working collaboratively and individually and communicating with people at various levels. Those who successfully undertake a placement will be able to critically reflect on the learning opportunities provided and how it benefits future employability. 

Learning gallery