Guess what you’ve finished the trail. You should be proud of yourself and know lots of information about Moor Pool’s variety of trees. Before you head off, lets finish the quiz questions by learning about the history of the Sycamore Tree that your standing beside.

The sycamore is a tall tree of parklands, hedgerows and woodlands. It was introduced into the UK from Europe sometime in the 15th or 16th century, and has become naturalised since, as well as being widely planted.

Did you know?

The wood of sycamore was commonly used to make kitchen items and toys in the UK.

True or False:


Sycamore trees produce a green dye that was used to colour and camouflage the clothes of people such as Robin Hood 


Perfect, head back round to where you began the trail to check your quiz answers and count how many you got correct.