Hooray, you’ve found the next tree. This tree was planted by work men from the Builders Yard in memory of John Vanderstam d. 28th November 1997 who was a dedicated worker from the Builder’s Yard located by the Eco Centre.
FACT – The Beech tree is one of the UK’s most popular trees – so much so that it’s often considered the queen of British trees.
Beech trees provide important food and homes for lots of species. The bark is often home to a variety of fungi, mosses and lichens, and seeds are eaten by mice, voles, squirrels and birds. Moth caterpillars enjoy munching through the leaves, including clay triple-lines and olive crescent. Beech woodland makes an important habitat for lots of butterflies too. So this tree is vital for the wildlife at Moor Pool.
Quiz Question:
How many species of Beech trees are there?
A) 2
B) 13
C) 7

Time to move onto the next tree on the estate, remain on Carless and walk up towards the Spinney and look out for your next QR code which is beside a large tree.