Yay, well done on finding this special tree. Willow tree’s are deciduous trees with long, narrow leaves and a strong liking for moist ground or riverbanks. It is a pioneer species, meaning that it will attempt to spread aggressively into new areas if given an opportunity. Weeping willows, with long dangling branches, are a familiar sight along rivers.
Location: Most willow species live in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere.
Back in the early 1960’s a group of children and adults planted the willow tree on the corner of Margaret Grove and Moor Pool Avenue.

History: In the picture found above is Pauline Robinson who lived on the Valley side of Margaret Grove. She was the friend of Tina Elvins (Hackett) who was 12 at the time and is also in the picture.
Here is a short passage kindly shared by Tina of her experiences of this special tree planting.
‘This was about 1964 – I was there with my mother, Marie Elvins and sister Josephine. It was organised by the City of Birmingham Tree Lovers League. I think set up to plant more trees and get children more interested in nature benefits of green areas etc. We all got a lovely little badge – Silver coloured with a broad leaf tree in the centre – sadly I have no idea what happened to mine but my sister still has hers. There was also a great ceremony which encouraged everyone to recognise the importance of planting trees.’
True or False:
Weeping Willows can grow up to 70 feet tall.

Now lets move round to another large tree located at the corner of Moor Pool Avenue and Eastway.